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I trust dogs more than people. (Simple yet a powerful statement)
Dogs will never betray you, unless of course there's a reason why they must have felt the betrayal. 
We have 9 furbabies at home, yes... you read it right, 9! And they are all adorable and loving! I wouldn't trade them for the world. They are not just pets, they are family. A big part of me.

I have 5 Shih Tzu, 2 Dachshund, 1 Domestic Dog / Aspin, and 1 Shiweenie (Mix of Shih Tzu and Dachshund). 

Some people find it disturbing, having  9 dogs who lives with you, who in crazy mind would keep their pets in her room or even beside her bed right? Well I do! I know for a fact that they are clean, healthy enough. I consider them as my babies. Babies that are happy enough to wait for you until you get home. Babies wanting enough attention so that they can lick your face. Babies who knows when you're not feeling well and cheer you up. Even sensitive enough than human feelings.

I LOVE MY DOGS. My house is also their home. 
For those who will visit, you're just a visitor. So don't ask me to get rid of them. That's also their property and they have the right to do what they like. 

They may be some kind of chaos inside my room / home. 
Well, I'm happy and they complete me.
They are a part of me, and this is who I am.
You can't change it, just deal with it.

Arf! They are my forever Com'paw'nions.

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